Measuring volumetric is setting for over 70 years the standard in reliable measurement of high value products, especially for custody transfer. When you transport Heavy Crude, the Smith Meter® Positive Displacement meters are the only reliable answer. For Heavy Crude TechnipFMC designed the Smith Meter® CT series (CT stands for Crude Transport), Positive Displacement meters from 10″ up to 16″.
Same reliable PD meters for smaller sizes are available in the Smith Meter®Double Case 2″-8″Smith Meter® Prime4 and the Smith Meter® Genesis meter.

Ultrasonic metering is a relatively new technology compared to “volumetric measuring” but gaining market share due to its low maintenance and low operational costs as well as ease of operation.

ultraseriesproduct_230 TechnipFMCis ahead of competition with its Ultra™ 4C (4 path), Ultra™ 6C (6 path) and Ultra™ 8C (8 path) Bi-directional ultrasonic meters. These meters are recognised to be the reliable solution for custody transfer as well as non-custody transfer measurement applications. Ultrasonic meters are available for liquid as well as gas metering.

TechnipFMC Coriolis Mass Flowmeters bring advanced Coriolis sensor technology and digital signal processing to liquid measurement. With no moving parts, the cost of ownership is reduced compared to alternative metering technologies. When high accuracy and custody transfer superiority is demanded, TechnipFMC Coriolis meters are the first choice. With 2200 t/h (80.840 Lb/min) every capacity can be handled.

Turbine meters are the optimum choice for crude oil and refined product pipelines, loading rack service, inventory control, volume balancing and leak detection. Conventional Turbine meters or the sophisticated Smith Meter® MV Helical Turbine Meters measure fluids from low to high viscosity at high accuracy and reliability.

The Sening® Truck Metering Packages and Systems are setting the standards since decades at loading and unloading terminals for all types of refined products. Truck metering and transport monitoring is made simple by combining the corrects meters with superior automation and monitoring equipment.

systems-2Metering Systems:  TechnipFMCis one of the world’s largest systems builders of complete metering systems. Each system is fully engineered and designed to customer specification, tested and certified before shipment. Installation is supervised by experienced field service engineers till Site Acceptance Tests. Custody Transfer measurement solution from A to Z!

Quick overview of available products and services:

  • Complete engineered Systems with meters, prover, strainers, valves, flow-computers, sampling systems, flow conditioners, connection to SCADA, skid build.
  • Positive Displacement (PD) meters.
  • Conventional and Helical Turbine meters.
  • Advanced Ultrasonic meters for gas and liquids.
  • Coriolis Meters.
  • Tank truck metering systems.

Further everything else to complete your metering requirements:

Bidirectional, unidirectional and compact provers, valves and pumps, mixers, strainers, control and data acquisition systems, flow computers, complete instrumentation packages, sensors, (on site) service and support.